Is this Julius Caesar’s face? Roman Emperor’s ‘bulge’ revealed in reconstruction

The new bust shows he may have experienced a difficult birth which led to the bump

SCIENTISTS have recreated Julius Caesar’s head thanks to 3D technology – and it shows the legendary Roman emperor had a “crazy bulge” on his head.

The National Museum of Antiquities in the Netherlands was able to take a scan of a marble portrait to make the model.

Julius Caesar’s ‘crazy bulge’ has been revealed after 3D reconstructionCredit: AFP

The reconstruction shows he had a bump on his head which may have happened during a difficult birth.

Archaeologist Tom Buijtendorp – the brains behind the bust – told Dutch newspaper, HLN: “So he has a crazy bulge on his head.

“A doctor said that it this can occur in a heavy delivery. You do not invent that as an artist.”

The reconstruction was made by archaeologist Maja d’Hollosy, who used two busts of Caesar as well as coins and a marble portrait of the emperor.

The museum said: “The piece of sculpture is pretty damaged. That is why it was decided to supplement the disappeared parts, such as nose and chin, on the basis of a second portrait of Julius Caesar: the so-called Tusculum bust.”

The reconstruction was made using data from a 3D scan of a marble portrait and bustsCredit: AFP

The reconstruction is on show at The National Museum of Antiquities in the NetherlandsCredit: AFP

Caesar was renowned as the greatest Roman emperor and conquered France and Belgium.

He travelled to Britain twice during his rule but never fully occupied the island.

He was assassinated by a group of rebellious senators in 44BC.

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